Domestic violence charges are significant and are taken very seriously by the police and prosecutors in Massachusetts. However, in many situations, the police simply make a quick judgment call at the scene and arrest the person they believe is responsible without taking the time to fully investigate the case or hear both sides of the story. These charges can involve married couples, dating or engaged couples, parents and children, siblings, or people living together. No matter the charge, you can be sentenced to jail if convicted. Furthermore, a conviction on a domestic violence offense may require you to take the certified batterer’s program, which is a 40-week course that is both expensive and time-consuming. The ramifications of a domestic violence charge can be significant, so it is important that you have a skilled attorney like Attorney Robert S.C. Meltzer on your side to fight the weight of the criminal justice system.
Based on his years as a prosecutor, Attorney Meltzer understands that there are always two sides to the story, and sometimes the quick decisions made by the police may be the wrong ones. Even if the victim does not want the prosecution to proceed with the case, the District Attorney’s Office can still choose to continue it. Attorney Meltzer has the skills and experience to examine the investigation very closely, find the flaws in the prosecution’s case, get your side of the story on the record, and help you prevail even if the D.A. proceeds with the case.
It is important to hire a qualified attorney immediately and have someone on your side from day one. Because domestic violence crimes are taken so seriously in Massachusetts, the prosecution may ask at your arraignment (first court appearance) that the court set bail or hold you in custody without bail, which would deprive you of your liberty while the case is pending before you even have a chance to get out your side of the story. What’s more, merely being charged with a domestic violence offense can cause the judge to order you to leave your home and to not see your spouse or significant other, your children, or other family members. Due to the serious consequences of simply being charged with a domestic violence crime, it is important to have a dedicated and thorough attorney like Attorney Meltzer on your side from day one. He knows the tricks and tools that the prosecutor is likely to use and how to battle them so you stand the best shot of being released to enjoy your liberty while your case is pending, and to reduce the chance that the judge will impose any burdensome and unfair conditions.
If you have been charged with a domestic violence offense, call the Law Office of Robert S.C. Meltzer today for a free consultation.