Violating your probation in Massachusetts can have serious consequences. Whether the alleged violation is for a new offense or is technical (such as missing a drug screen or not staying in touch with your probation officer), the judge has the authority to impose a significant jail or prison sentence if you are found in violation. Given what is at risk, it is important to have a skilled lawyer like Attorney Robert S.C. Meltzer on your side if you are accused of violating your probation.
A probation violation hearing has some similarities to a trial. The probation officer is required to prove what they claim is your violation, and you are allowed to cross-examine any witnesses called by the probation department and to present evidence in your own defense. However, unlike at a trial, the probation department can introduce hearsay evidence, and their burden of proof is much lower. Attorney Meltzer has the knowledge and expertise to formulate a defense, highlight the probation department's weaknesses, and argue to the judge why you should not be found in violation of your probation.
Alternatively, many times an agreement can be reached with the probation officer and presented to the judge where you can avoid jail time even if you are in violation of your probation. In these situations, you need a lawyer like Attorney Meltzer to thoroughly review your case, broker the deal, and sell it to the judge.
If you are facing a probation violation, contact the Law Office of Robert S.C. Meltzer for a free consultation.